Impostor syndrome is one of the least known conditions, but it affects many people worldwide.
It is estimated that with the pandemic, the increase in work, and virtual education, more and more people suffer from this.
If you do not know it, impostor syndrome causes people who suffer from it to be unable to recognize personal achievements.
In addition, when they achieve any type of positive achievement, they feel like a fraud since they cannot perceive and accept all the goals they are reaching.
No matter how many people congratulate them on their achievements, people who suffer from impostor syndrome always feel that way since it is a condition on people’s minds.
This condition affects work or academic achievements and is also in all dimensions of a person’s life.
For example, they feel that they fail in their relationships with their family or friends.
They always believe that if they succeed, it is by luck, coincidence, or because someone else failed, and thus they got their place.
In this article, we will tell you how to deal with imposter syndrome with some tips that will be of great help if you feel this way or if you know someone who is going through this.

1. Write A List Of Your Achievements
The best idea to start working with your impostor syndrome is to list all your achievements.
You can make a separate list for each aspect of your life (work, school, relationships, etc.) or make an extensive list together.
Writing it down in a notebook or on your computer will help you visualize it.
Also, by writing down your achievements, you will be able to remember to do the costing.
That way, you will see it’s more than just luck or a coincidence of fate.
2. Focus On Actions And Not Feelings
Feelings that give impostor syndrome power are usually caused by low self-esteem.
If you focus on the facts and actions which is that you worked to get to where you are, the feelings of being an impostor of your achievements have little value and will lose power.
This can also help you separate your thoughts from the concrete facts of what really happened for you to achieve your goals.
It’s like doing more mathematical analysis of your life, not so sentimental.
3. Seek Help From Another Person
While impostor syndrome is not a mental illness in itself, it is often related to other mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, or very low levels of self-esteem.
In these cases, the help of a therapist is essential.
Remember that there is nothing wrong with having a mental illness and that these are as real as any type of physical illness.
Therefore, treating them is vital to start improving.
It is always recommended to visit a therapist.
With impostor syndrome, no matter how much your loved ones tell you you are successful, it is not enough.
You can try different therapists until you find the one that works best for you to deal with imposter syndrome.

4. Change Your Attitude Towards Mistakes
Maintaining a positive attitude is not something simple, but it is an exercise that can quickly become a habit.
Have an optimistic look at life, and you will see your work with joy.
You learn from mistakes, too, do not be ashamed of them!
When you make a mistake, you will learn from them so as not to repeat it.
5. Start Congratulating Yourself On Your Achievements
It is undoubtedly the best attitude you can have towards the world if you think you suffer from Impostor Syndrome.
Share it with others when you feel that you did something that cost you effort, and learn to celebrate yourself.
If you finished a complicated task or advanced in a project that you did not imagine that you might be able to unlock, share it with others!
You can share it with friends, family, partners, or work team.
Most likely, these people will also make positive comments about your achievements.
You should write them down to remember that these achievements are indisputable.
You can write down “mom congratulated me and said that…” or, “my partner said that…” So you can see that other people also see your achievements.

6. Check Your Relationships
This is a crucial step on how to deal with imposter syndrome.
If the people around you never compliment you on your accomplishments or have anything nice to say about you, start checking out these links.
Of course, we’re human, so we all make mistakes, but if these loved ones never have anything nice to say, that means they’re part of the problem too.
It is not normal not to be happy about other people’s achievements.
If they never congratulate you, they may be partly the cause of your low self-esteem and impostor syndrome.
If you notice that these loved ones have a negative impact on your life, you can talk to them about it, tell them how you feel, and if this is not enough, then find new friends!
Hundreds of people love to be your friend and will treat you with the kindness you deserve.
The same goes for family.
The fact that they cared for you when you were a child does not mean you owe them a golden loyalty.
You can talk about it with your family members and reduce the time you are with them (or cut ties) if they don’t give anything positive in your life.
7. Share Your Experience With Other People
It is common for you to believe that what you do is not as good as it should be, so try to work as a team.
Share your experiences and hear others; you will gain confidence in your work when you see that it is like that for others.
They will learn from your experiences and you from theirs.
Once you feel better and that the imposter syndrome is no longer affecting you, you can share your experience of overcoming it with others.
This way, you can teach them how to deal with imposter syndrome, which will help them to improve, and you will be able to perceive how outstanding that achievement is.
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