The passage to adult life is not easy at all. You must take on more and more responsibilities as you get used to the various changes that come with adulting. Perhaps your group of friends changes, your relationships with your relatives also change and are no longer what they were when you were a child or a teenager. Here we have discussed some tips to make adulting more manageable.
It is a time of uncertainty, but we all have to go through it, so it is always a good idea to take advice from other people who have already been through it. So get ready to become the best version of yourself and continue reading this article, where we will go through ten tips to make adulting more manageable.
If you’re wondering how to manage life better as an adulting, these adulting tips and hacks will help you manage better and enjoy rather than dread your early adulting years.
25+ Practical Adulting Tips To Help You Make The Most Of Your Youth
1. Let go of made up timeframes and expectations
This is a very important adulting tip. Growing up we had expectations of what we wanted to achieve and where we wanted our lives to be by a certain age. But now that you’re an adult, you realize you’re nowhere near where you imagined you would be.
Let go of those unrealistic expectations and timeframes you set for yourself and remind yourself that you are where you supposed to be. And remember to not compare yourself with other people because your journey is different and unique.
2. Get a mentor
This is one of the most effective adulting hacks that is not talked about enough. Having a mentor means having someone who has gone through what you are going and has come out on the other side giving you a blueprint so that you achieve your goals quicker and more effectively.
This is a success hack that will help you make your adulting years more manageable.
3. Date yourself
Your early adulting years are the best time to date yourself, get to know yourself better and establish who you are as an individual and what exactly you stand for.
So spend a lot of quality time alone, meditate, journal and take walks. You’ll grow as a person and develop into a better version of yourself.
4. Prioritize quality over quantity
Whether its buying new clothes and furniture or deciding which friends to keep in your life, always prioritize quality over quantity.
It’s better to have five good pairs of shoes instead of ten poor quality pairs of shoes you’ll have to replace every season. And it’s better to wait until you can afford a good quality chest of drawers than to buy a poor quality one that you’ll have to replace in a year or two.
5. Travel near and far
Travel is one of the best ways to open up your mind to different ways of living. While you are still young, plan to travel and see new places you’ve never been to before. Whether it’s a new city a few miles away (you don’t have to spend a lot to travel) or a different continent you’ve never been to before.
Give yourself a change of environment once in a while and you’ll find yourself having a changed mindset.
6. Practice your faith and grow in your spiritual life
One of the things that keep me grounded and help me through difficult times is my faith. Using your early adulting years to grow in your faith and get closer to God is one of the best adulting tips that will set a foundation for your journey, who you are becoming and where you are going.
It will give you clarity and direction while giving you a purpose to live for.
7. Establish accountability
Time flies when you are in your twenties and thirties and before you know it you haven’t done the things that you planned to do. This may sound like a contradiction to the first point but it’s not.
There realistic goals you should set for yourself in your twenties or thirties like having an emergency fund, accomplishing your new year goals or visiting a new country you’ve never been to before.
In order to make sure you achieve you achieve the goals you set for yourself, you need to set up a system of accountability in your life or have an accountability partner who will hold you responsible for what you say you will do. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a friend but can be a gym buddy, a mentor or therapist.
8. Put boundaries in place to protect your peace and mental health
Whether its putting boundaries in your relationships or watching the habits you are practicing everyday, putting measures in place to protect your peace and mental health is one of the best ways to make adulting easier.
This will help ensure you are not in situations that leave you emotionally drained or where you are in conflict with other people or within yourself.
9. Go to therapy
There is a lot of stigma around this T word. But I personally believe it’s one thing we should talk about and encourage more than we do.
Going to therapy will help you figure out any personal issues you may have gone through or are going through so that they don’t have a negative effect on your future and the person you are becoming.
You can also get the help that you need to manage the different issues you face in your early adulting years.
10. Practice self care
The phrase self care encompasses a lot of things you can do to take care of yourself emotionally, physically and mentally. This is one of the best adulting tips to help you because when you are well all round then you are in a position to live your life to the max.
11. Rest, rest rest
In your early adulting years you have a lot strength and time on your hands, but it’s often very easy to over work yourself and do too much, leaving no time for rest.
However not getting enough rest can cause chronic fatigue and other health issues that can ultimately affect how well you enjoy your twenties and thirties. However when you rest regularly, it makes adulting more manageable and make easy to be productive. So create the time to rest and allow your body to rejuvenate.
12. Do more things that scare you
Growth is often experienced when we step out and do more of what scares us. (cool quote lol!) Things like taking a solo trip, falling in love, or making new friends.
These are things that scare us but have the greatest reward and help you create lasting memories. This can add value to your adulting years and make life more enjoyable.
13. Diversify your income
We all can do with a little money in our pockets. One of the best adulting tips to make adulting more manageable is to diversify your streams of income.
Although this may mean taking up a second job, it doesn’t always have to be that. You can also pick up a hobby or use skill you have and are passionate about to make extra money on the side.
With the extra money you can pay off your debts, save more, invest and even travel to new places you’ve never been to before.
14. Exercise and stay in shape
Health is wealth and one of the best things you can do for yourself is to take care of your body and stay in the best shape possible.
When you take the time to exercise and eat healthy you position yourself to be able to take a hold of opportunities in life without hindrances in life while also setting yourself up to have a long and healthy life.
15. Practice healthy communication skills
Having healthy communication skills is a life long skill that you need to start building in your early adulting years. This will help you to be successful at relationships with friends, family and significant others.
So how do you practice healthy communication skills? By being self aware, talking through issues instead of avoiding them, being a better listener, reading communication books and others.
This will make adulting more manageable and help you resolve issues with people more easily.
16. Use An Agenda Or Planner

Having a place where you can write down what you have to do, with times and dates, will help you have a more organized life. This way, you will not miss anything and always know when the next exam, work meeting, or appointment is. This is one of the best tips to make adulting more manageable.
The good thing is that nowadays, agendas and planners are in fashion, so you can buy one with a design you like, giving you more motivation to use it.
You can also use an app on your cell phone that serves as a plan. A calendar already installed on any cell phone or computer can work too. However, writing a plan down helps memory, so put it into practice!
17. Learn A New Recipe Or Two

There is always the stereotype that young people live on instant ramen noodles or pizza, but it doesn’t have to be that way for you. To avoid this, look for low-budget recipes with essential but varied ingredients.
This way, you will save money by not eating out, and at the same time, you will impress all your friends or family when you invite them over for a meal and cook for them.
18. Familiarize Yourself With Public Transport

If you live in a big city, there are times when riding public transport is much faster and more efficient than driving. No matter where you are, make sure you know the public transport system in the area.
You never know if your car will break down or if you will not have enough money for an Uber. If you know public transportation, then you will never feel lost, and you will always know how to get home.
Even if you have a car, look for public transportation options to go to work, university, or anywhere you frequent. Believe me; this will make your life much more manageable.
19. Find At Least One Productive Hobby

Adulthood is a good time to get to know yourself, and try as many hobbies as possible, so find at least one that is productive.
We live in an unstable world. Therefore, find yourself a hobby that gives you a skill you can profit from, like cooking, sewing, or even playing an instrument or learning a language (if you get good at it, you can teach it later!). Such skills can save you if you find yourself unemployed.
20. Befriend The World Of Finance
One of the things that hard to manage in your early adulting years is your finances. There is nothing more intimidating than calculating your taxes for the first time or trying to distribute your paycheck between your bills and life expenses. But if you make friends with the world of finance, this will become something easier.
But how do you befriend the world of finance? By actively pursuing knowledge and learning more about finance management.
There are hundreds of online courses (you can find some free ones on YouTube) that teach about finances, investing, and other money management tips that will help you in your adult years. You can also subscribe to finance blogs or listen to podcasts that talk about finances.
Read Also:
- 7 Practical Finance Tips To Apply In Your Twenties
- 10 Effective Ways To Build Your Credit & Improve Your Credit Score
- 9 Smart and Simple Strategies to Reach Your Financial Goals
- How to Monitor Your Budget & Keep Track Of Your Spending
21. Befriend Your Neighbors

That is perhaps one of the most critical steps to managing your adulthood. It may be that you do not like your neighbors for different reasons, but it’s important that you get to know them and try to have a good relationship with them.
That will save you many problems in the future. Whether you need someone to water your plants or someone to keep a spare key to your home, to get the mail, there are thousands of things in your daily life that will be easier if you get along with your neighbors.
It’s also a good safety measure especially if you live alone. If you’re ever in any danger at home, you can run to a nearby home or if there’s ever a reason to call the police on your behalf they can do it for you if you have a good relationship.
You can bring your neighbor a simple gift just to let them know you are friendly. Any gesture will make them think well of you and look out for you if they notice anything strange around your home.
22. Keep A Close Group Of Trusted Friends

This is probably one of the best tips to make adulting more manageable. Having people around you that are going through similar seasons in life and not feeling alone will help make being an adult much more manageable.
It may seem like a no-brainer, but as adults, the ages of your friends can vary dramatically. You should try to have at least one friend your age. In this way, they can share how they feel about adulthood, and you will feel much more accompanied.
23. Save Money To Make Adulting More Manageable

It is essential always to have some savings for any inconvenience. You’re an adult now and you can’t run to your parents to lend you money and get you out of trouble, so the best thing you can do for yourself is build an emergency fund or savings account so that you can have a cushion when the miscellaneous happen.
A general rule of thumb is to have savings equivalent to three months of your salary for emergencies, but this is something you can calculate according to your situation.
Read these 7 Money-Saving Tips That Produce Results and 10 Practical Ways To Save Money This Year
24. Pursue & Build Skills In A Career Path You Enjoy

Your young adult years are a time to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life. There’s nothing more dreadful than waking up everyday to do something you don’t enjoy.
So to make adulting more manageable for yourself, pick a career path that you enjoy, while you’re still young, and build the necessary skills and experience you need for a successful career.
25. Do Not Lose Contact With Your Family & Friends From Childhood
Of course, this does not apply if you get along severely with them or if you have a toxic relationship with them. However, if you have a good relationship with your old friends and your family, try not to lose those ties.
We know that people change, and there is nothing wrong with not being friends, even with someone we love very much, but if you can maintain old friendships and relationships, this is a great thing.
These people from your past know what you went through in your life to get to where you are today, so they can give you some unique advice and also a necessary push when you need it. They can also be a necessary support system as you navigate your adult years.
26. Be A Student Of Life
One of the greatest hacks for success is always being a student. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a college education but being a student of life and to always keep learning and developing yourself.
Take on some online courses or get some professional certifications. It may seem like a waste of money, but specializing will help you improve as a person and open up more options in your career path, so take it as an investment in your future.
Always find ways to grow, learn and mature in your personal journey. Some other practical ways to do this are listening to podcasts or watching YouTube channels that challenge your way of thinking or going to therapy.
And there you have it, our top 25+ tips for making adulting more manageable. We hope that you’ve found these tips useful and that they’ve helped you to navigate the challenges of adulthood more effectively.
Remember, adulting is a process, and no one has all the answers. But by taking small steps every day, we can learn to be more resilient, organized, and confident in our abilities to handle whatever life throws our way.
Whether you’re struggling with finances, relationships, or just finding your place in the world, know that you’re not alone. There are millions of people out there who are going through the same struggles as you, and there are plenty of resources available to help you along the way.
So if you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Whether it’s talking to a friend, seeking professional counseling, or just taking some time to reflect on your goals and priorities, there are plenty of ways to get back on track.
And remember, adulting doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Take time to enjoy the little things in life, whether it’s trying out a new recipe, taking a walk in nature, or spending time with loved ones.
We hope that these tips have inspired you to take control of your life and embrace the challenges and opportunities of adulthood. So go forth and adult with confidence, knowing that you have the skills, knowledge, and support to handle anything that comes your way.
Check Out:
- How To Make New Friends At Work (Even If You’re Shy)
- How to be a Personable Person (20 Personable Traits and Qualities)
- 15 Tips To Be More Memorable And Make A Great First Impression
- 25 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Twenties
- 7 Ways To Invest In Yourself In Your Twenties
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